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Recertification by Examination

Recertification exams will be given each year in February, April, June, August and November. All applications for recertification must be submitted by the appropriate exam application cut-off date (current exam schedule).

PDF Application for Recertification

On the application, place a check mark next to the exam(s) you wish to take. Also, please state on the application the name of the SBE chapter where you plan to take the exam. If there is no SBE chapter located near you, state that on the application, and special arrangements will be made to find a person to proctor the exam for you.

Exams will be sent in sealed envelopes to the proctor(s). Applicants will not be allowed to use laptop computers, portable computers, notes, old exams or other review materials. Standard references texts, tables and calculators will be allowed, except for essay questions. Scratch paper may be used but must be resealed with the exam – only blank paper may be taken from the examination room.

Each examination must be completed within three (3) hours. Examinations consist of 50 multiple-choice questions. Each question is worth two (2) points. The Certified Senior Broadcast Engineer and Certified Specialist exams also contain an essay portion. Essay questions are worth 20 points.

Criteria for passing the examinations shall be determined by the Certification Committee. Numerical scores will not be reported. Candidates will be notified only of pass/fail results.

You will also receive a new seal of renewal for your present certificate and a certification wallet card. Your present certification number will not change.

