SBE Member Application

Required fields are marked with *


Please select the appropriate membership category.

Category * Dues
$105 USD
$215 USD
$105 USD
$35 USD
$110 USD
$105 USD
For student/youth members only
$105 USD

Please indicate which chapter you would like to join if your membership application is accepted. Find a chapter

E-voting Opt-out

Contact Information

Mailing Address

Required for US and Canada members
The above address is:*
Used for printed and online directories; available only to other SBE members
MM/DD/YY format


MM/YYYY format


Type of experience:
Check all that apply

Experience Record

List in chronological order, beginning with the most recent, all formal experience in Broadcast Engineering or related employment. Indicate field(s) of specialization under “Position.” You must list at least one experience. If a field does not apply, enter "n/a."

MM/YYYY format
MM/YYYY format

MM/YYYY format
MM/YYYY format

MM/YYYY format
MM/YYYY format

MM/YYYY format
MM/YYYY format


List in chronological order, beginning with the most recent.

MM/YYYY format
MM/YYYY format

MM/YYYY format
MM/YYYY format

MM/YYYY format
MM/YYYY format

MM/YYYY format
MM/YYYY format

If applying for student member status, you must complete the following:

You are a:

Please enter the contact information for one of the following: faculty advisor, dean, department chair, registrar, etc. SBE may contact to verify your student status:


List two references who are familiar with your work. Both references are required.

Other Professional Licenses or Certificates

Special Achievements

Have you ever been convicted of a felony?*

If approved, I agree to abide by the Society of Broadcast Engineers By-Laws and Canons of Ethics.

Typing your name constitutes signature