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AC Power Systems Handbook, 3rd Ed.*
Jerry Whitaker, CPBE
Proper operation of sensitive equipment requires attention to transient disturbances, grounding practices and standby power needs. This book focuses on engineering technology essential to the design, maintenance and operation of alternating current power supplies. Item #C-17 • Pub. 2006 • 428ppOrder through Amazon with the SBE Amazon Associate link. The SBE benefits when you make your purchase through this link.
* Suggested reference for SBE certification exam preparation.
ACSModel - AM Directional Antenna Moment Method Modeling Software
Au Contraire Software, Ltd.; John Furr, CPBE; Cris Alexander, CPBE, AMD, DRB
ACSModel is an AM directional antenna moment method modeling program based on the MININEC3 core. It was specifically created to allow engineers to take advantage of the FCC's moment-method performance verification rules contained in 47 C.F.R. §73.151(c). The program allows calibration to the measured impedance matrix, detuning of unused radiators and determination of the base - or loop-sampled operating parameters of AM arrays. The user specifies the frequency, defines the model "wires" (towers and top-loading) and enters the directional parameters. The program runs the unity drive solution, calculates the drive matrix and the user can then run the model with any of several outputs. More details about the software, including sample charts , are available. Item #SW-01 - CD softwareAu Contraire Software, Ltd. was founded by John Furr, CPBE, a well-known broadcast consulting engineer. With his partner Cris Alexander, CPBE, AMD, DRB, the company draws upon more than 60 years of experience in allocations work, system design, construction and field tuning of broadcast facilities.
Member Price USD: $499.00
Non-Member Price USD: $549.00
+ $5.00 S/H
Antenna Engineering Handbook, 5th Ed.*
John Volakis
Edited by John L. Volakis, one of the world's leading authorities in antenna engineering, this trusted resource covers all the classic antenna types plus many new types and designs used in communications systems, satellites, radars, and emerging applications from WLAN to automotive systems to biomedical to smart antennas. You will also find expert discussion of topics critical to successful antenna design and engineering, such as measurement techniques and computational methods, a materials guide, wave propagation basics, microwave circuits, and matching techniques, as well as diversity and MIMO propagation models, frequency selective surfaces, and metamaterials. Item # M-77 • Pub. 2018 • 1424pp
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* Suggested reference for SBE certification exam preparation.
Audio Expert: Everything You Need to Know About Audio, The; 2nd Edition
Ethan Wine
This comprehensive reference book covers all aspects of audio, with both practical and theoretical explanations. It is for people who want to understand audio at the deepest, most technical level, but without needing an engineering degree. The book explains how audio really works using common-sense explanations and mechanical analogies, with minimal math. It uses an easy-to-read conversational tone, and includes more than 400 figures and photos to augment the printed text. Item #F-117 - Pub. 2017 - 784pp
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Audio Over IP
Steve Church, Skip Pizzi
With its complete introduction to AoIP technology in a fun, highly readable style, this book is essential for audio professionals who want to broaden their knowledge of IP-based studio systems - or for IT experts who need to understand AoIP applications. Item #F-108 - Pub. 2009 - 280pp
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Audio/Video Cable Installer's Pocket Guide
Stephen H. Lampen, CBRE
This compact guide details how to cable any kind of audio or video installation - from the million dollar studio to your living room theatre. It provides performance specifications for digital and analog cable for audio or video applications including high-definition video cabling and has more than 200 illustrations. Item #M-64 - Pub. 2002 - 412pp
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Basic Radio - Understanding the Key Building Blocks
Joel Hallas, W1ZR
This book reveals the key building blocks of radio: receivers, transmitters, antennas, propagation, radionavigation and radiolocation. It includes simple, build-it-yourself projects to turn theory into practice, helping reinforce key subject matter. It provides a foundation in radio theory and practice necessary for anyone undertaking more advanced radio topics. Item #R-02 - Pub. 2005 - 256pp
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Broadcast Engineer's Reference Book
Joe Tozer
Compiled by leading international experts, this reference covers every aspect of broadcast technology from camera to transmitter - encompassing subjects from analog techniques to the latest digital compression and interactive technologies in a single source. Written with a minimum of math, it provides detailed coverage and quick access to key technologies, standards and practices for those with an audio, video, communications or computer background. Item #F-73 - Pub. 2004 - 1,034pp
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Carrier-Grade Voice Over IP, 3rd Ed.
Richard Swale, Daniel Collins
Leading-edge VoIP technologies, tools, and standards efficiently deliver voice, data, and multimedia content over today's always-on broadband networks with guidance from this fully updated resource., This guide shows how to set up and administer a highly reliable unified communications platform using the latest tools. This comprehensive guide offers start-to-finish details on carrier-grade VoIP network design, troubleshooting, and interconnection. Item #M-93 • Pub. 2013 • eBook
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Complete Audio Mastering Practical Technology
Gebre E. Waddells
This detailed guide reveals world-class methods for delivering broadcast-ready masters. Find out how to put the final sheen on your mixes, work with DAWs, tweak loudness, use equalizers and compressors, and handle sequencing and fades. The book also offers tips for starting and running your own mastering studio. Item #M-94 - Pub. 2013 - 240pp
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Digital Communications: Principles and Systems
Ifiok Otung
This book provides a thorough grounding in digital communications and covers building blocks, signal processing tasks, general features and design considerations. Topics covered include transmission channels, source coding, digital baseband transmission, digital modulation, noise impact in digital transmission, error control coding, advanced signal enhancement techniques for wireless channels and digital transmission link analysis and design. Item #STY-01 - Pub. 2015 - 492pp
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Electrical Safety Handbook, 5th Ed.
John Cadick, Mary Capelli-Schellpfeffer, Dennis K. Neitzel, Al Winfield
This fourth edition is written by experts in electrical construction safety and medicine as a practical guide for electrical workers and others exposed to electrical hazards. This easy-to-use, illustrated guide provides vital safety information for industrial, commercial, and home-office based electrical systems. Item #M-89 - Pub. 2019 - 688pp
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Electronic Systems Maintenance Handbook, 2nd Ed.*
Jerry Whitaker, CPBE
This standard handbook establishes a foundation for servicing, operating and optimizing audio, video, computer and RF systems. It also examines heat management issues, grounding systems, all aspects of system test and measurement and more. Item# C-33 • Pub. 2001 • 624pp
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* Suggested reference for SBE certification exam preparation.
Electronics Demystified
Stan Gibilisco
This self-teaching guide covers essential electronics topics such as current and power supplies, wireless, digital principles, measurement and monitoring, transducers and sensors, location and navigation and more. Learn electronics concepts with a minimum of math. Problem/solution exercises give insight into real world situations. Item # M-69 • Pub. 2004 • 401pp
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Handbook for Sound Engineers, 5th Edition*
Glen M. Ballou
Handbook for Sound Engineers is the most comprehensive reference available for audio engineers. All audio topics are explored: if you work on anything related to audio you should not be without this book! The 4th edition of this trusted reference has been updated to reflect changes in the industry since the publication of the 3rd edition in 2002 -- including new technologies like software-based recording systems such as Pro Tools and Sound Forge; digital recording using MP3, wave files and others; mobile audio devices such as iPods and MP3 players. Over 40 topics are covered and written by many of the top professionals for their area in the field. Item # F-54 • Pub. 2015 • 1,784pp
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* Suggested reference for SBE certification exam preparation.
HD Radio Implementation*
Thomas R. Ray III
HD Radio is the FCC-approved standard for high-definition digital radio. Since its official approval in 2005, stations around the world have started converting their analog stations to also contain a digital signal. This book provides the in-depth, hands-on training for a fraction of the cost of attending a radio transmitter factory school. It covers the installation process, uses examples from real-life implementations, and information not found in manufacturer's manuals. Item# F-100 - Pub. 2008 - 224pp
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* Suggested reference for SBE certification exam preparation.
IBOC Handbook, The*
David Maxson
Radio broadcast engineers seeking to design and operate HD Radio(TM) transmission systems will benefit from the detailed exposition of the technology. The book lays out the entire structure of this digital transmission system. System equations are presented in a manner that is useful to those interested in them, while retaining a clear narrative for those who seek a general understanding of how the technology works. The book also presents a summary of the history of the technology and the NRSC-5 standard, as well as forward-looking information on emerging technologies and applications. Item# F-106 - Pub. 2007 - 512pp
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* Suggested reference for SBE certification exam preparation.
Introduction to Radio Engineering*
Blaunstein, Christodoulou, Sergeev
This book introduces the basic foundation of high mathematics and vector algebra. It then explains the basic aspects of classical electrodynamics and electromagnetism. Based on such knowledge reader investigate various radio propagation problems related to guiding structures connecting electronic devices with antenna terminals placed at different radar systems. It explains the role of antennas in process of transmission of radio signals between the terminals. Finally, it shows the relation between the main operational characteristics of each kind of radar and the corresponding knowledge obtained from the previous chapters. Item #F-69 – Pub. 2016 - 294 pp
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* Suggested reference for SBE certification exam preparation.
Introduction to SNG and ENG Microwave
Jonathan Higgins
This "quick-start" guide to satellite newsgathering provides a basic grounding in analog, digital, compression and satellite technology for a comprehensive understanding of the subject. It shows how typical transmission chains work and their communication with the studio. It also covers basic principles of ENG systems, such as frequencies used and why, audio channel, subcarriers and digital modulation. Item# F-70 • Pub. 2003 • 224pp
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Introduction to Successful Problem Solving
Daniel Fogel
This book gives you the tools to successfully navigate the problem-solving process without first having all of the answers or being an expert. Where knowledge, experience and expertise are simply resources that are available for your use. And, not knowing is just a starting point to solving the problem. Item # S-16 • Pub. 2023 • 143pp
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Introduction to Video and Audio Measurement, 3rd Ed., An
Peter Hodges
What do we measure and why? This readable guide explains the answer to this question in approachable language and with clear illustrations. It covers the basics of analog and digital video, as well as audio measurement, high definition video and innovative techniques of test and measurement. Item# F-74 - Pub. 2004 - 232pp
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MPEG Handbook, The; 2nd Ed.
John Watkinson
This reference covers all aspects of audio and video compression using MPEG technology, including the MPEG4 standard and, in this second edition, H264. Fundamental knowledge is provided alongside practical guidance on how to avoid pitfalls and poor quality. The often-neglected issues of reconstructing the signal timebase at the decoder and of synchronizing the signals in a multiplex are treated fully here. Item # F-37 • Pub. 2004 • 448pp
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Multidimensional Signal, Image, and Video Processing and Coding
John Woods
This book gives a concise introduction to both image and video processing, providing a balanced coverage between theory, applications and standards. It gives an introduction to both 2-D and 3-D signal processing theory. Item #F-115 • Pub 2011 • 616 pp
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Multimedia Information Extraction
Mark T. Maybury
This collection is intended to serve several purposes, including reporting the current state of the art, stimulating novel research, and encouraging cross-fertilization of distinct research disciplines. The collection and integration of a common base of intellectual material will provide an invaluable service from which to teach a future generation of cross disciplinary media scientists and engineers. Item #JW-26 - Pub. 2012 - 496 pp
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Opportunistic Networking
Edited by Nazmul Siddique, Syed Faraz Hasan, Salahuddin Muhammad Salim Zabir
Opportunistic networking allows devices to communicate whenever a window of opportunity is available. Many emerging technologies employ opportunistic exchanges of information. This book addresses this trend in communications engineering, taking into account vehicular, device-to-device (D2D) and cognitive radio - while describing the opportunistic communication methods of each. The text explores the art of opportunistic networking, providing the latest research, developments and practices in one concise source. Item #F-90 - Pub. 2017 - 332 pp
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Practical IP and Telecom for Broadcast Engineering and Operations
Fred Huffman
This book is written for for engineers, technicians and managers engaged in designing, installing, testing and maintaining equipment and network services for program content, training material or audio/video conferencing. It offers valuable knowledge for planning, design, integration and operation of communications equipment, facilities and services used in broadcast operations, training and conferencing applications. Item# F-83 • Pub. 2004 • 344pp
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Practical RF Handbook, 4th Ed.
Ian Hickman
This book gives you an introduction to the RF circuit design industry. It discusses the cutting-edge technology of the fast-moving world of communications electronics and covers RF ICs, DBMs, SAW filters, integrated power amplifier modules, active arrays, use of network analyzers and digital filtering. Item # F-66 - Pub. 2006 - 304pp
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Principles of Digital Audio, 6th Ed.
Ken C. Pohlmann
Gain a thorough understanding of digital audio tools, techniques, and practices from this completely revised and expanded resource. This book describes the technologies behind today's audio equipment in a clear, practical style. New chapters on Blu-ray, speech coding, and low bit-rate coding are also included in this bestselling guide. Item #M-86 - Pub. 2010 - 816pp
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Radio Frequency Interference Pocket Guide
Kenneth Wyatt, Michael Gruber
This handy pocket guide to essential radio frequency interference (RFI) is a valuable, pocket-sized reference for radio amateurs and others in the radio communication fields. Item #STY-02 - Pub. 2015 - 60pp
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Radio Station, The
John Allen Hendricks and Bruce Mims
This is a concise and insightful guide to all aspects of radio broadcasting, streaming, and podcasting. This new edition explains what "radio" in America has been, where it is today, and where it is going, covering the basics of how programming is produced, financed, delivered and promoted via terrestrial and satellite broadcasting, streaming and podcasting. Item # F-118 • Pub. 2018 • 482pp
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RF in RFID, The; 2nd Ed.
Daniel Dobkin, Manager, Technical Marketing, WJ Communications, San Jose, CA, USA
This book explains how UHF tags and readers communicate wirelessly. It gives an understanding of what limits the read range of a tag, how to increase it (and why that might result in breaking the law), and the practical things that need to be addressed when designing and implementing RFID technology. Item #F116 - Pub. 2013 - 530 pp
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RF Transmission Systems Handbook, The
Jerry Whitaker, CPBE
This handbook addresses the underlying concepts, operation and maintenance of high-power RF devices, transmission lines and antennas for broadcast, scientific and industrial use. Focusing on devices and systems that produce more than one kilowatt of output power, it covers the common uses of radio frequency energy; power vacuum and solid-state power devices, RF components and transmission lines and basic troubleshooting. Item# C-34 - Pub. 2002 - 504pp
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Satellite Technology, An Introduction, 2nd Ed.
Andrew F. Inglis and Arch Luther
This handbook will help broadcast professionals and students understand the world of communication satellites. Written in easy-to-understand language, it covers topics ranging from theories of satellite operation to practical instructions for the initial set-up of mobile earth stations. It also includes the impact of rapid advances in digital technology, the mass deployment of digital DBS systems and changes in regulations. Item# F-34 • Pub. 1997 • 152pp
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SBE Broadcast Engineering Handbook*
Jerry Whitaker, CPBE, 8-VSB, and the Society of Broadcast Engineers
The SBE Broadcast Engineering Handbook features in-depth tutorials that stress key topics throughout, complete coverage of radio and television technologies, and is written from the perspective of the broadcast engineer. More than 50 authors have contributed their expertise to the ten sections of the book. The book covers every aspect of broadcast engineering in seven sections: Regulatory Issues, RF Transmission, DTV Transport, Information Technology Systems, Production Systems, Facility Issues, Broadcast Management, plus three reference annexes. Item# M-91 - Pub. 2016 - 912pp
* Suggested reference for SBE certification exam preparation.
Member Price USD: $159.20
Non-Member Price USD: $199.00
+ $14.00 S/H
SBE Broadcast Engineering Handbook - E-book*
Jerry Whitaker, CPBE, 8-VSB, and the Society of Broadcast Engineers
The SBE Broadcast Engineering Handbook features in-depth tutorials that stress key topics throughout, complete coverage of radio and television technologies, and is written from the perspective of the broadcast engineer. More than 50 authors have contributed their expertise to the ten sections of the book. The book covers every aspect of broadcast engineering in seven sections: Regulatory Issues, RF Transmission, DTV Transport, Information Technology Systems, Production Systems, Facility Issues, Broadcast Management, plus three reference annexes. Item# M-91 - Pub. 2016 - 912pp
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* Suggested reference for SBE certification exam preparation.
SBE Certification Handbook for Radio Operators, 2nd Ed.*
Ron Bartlbaugh, CBNT
This handbook helps radio board operators learn more about the broadcasting business from the technical and business side. It covers topics such as FCC rules, technical layout of a typical station and the general responsibilities of a radio operator. An overview of station management structure and professional etiquette is presented. Other chapters cover station logs, the Emergency Alert System (EAS), safety requirements and operational procedures for trouble situations. In addition, after completing the handbook, you can schedule to take the SBE Certified Radio Operator Exam. Item# S-09 - Pub. 2014 - 72pp The digital e-book can be purchased and downloaded to your reading device from the Amazon bookstore or Barnes and Noble for $44.00. CRO certification exam price for Domestic Members/Non-Members USD: $10.00 + shipping CRO certification exam price for International Members/Non-Members USD: $30.00 + shipping (email for the exam order form)
Order through Amazon with the SBE Amazon Associate link. The SBE benefits when you make your purchase through this link.
* Suggested reference for SBE certification exam preparation.
SBE Certification Handbook for Radio Operators, 3rd Ed.*
Ron Bartlbaugh, CBNT
This handbook helps radio board operators learn more about the broadcasting business from the technical and business side. It covers topics such as FCC rules, technical layout of a typical station and the general responsibilities of a radio operator. An overview of station management structure and professional etiquette is presented. Other chapters cover station logs, the Emergency Alert System (EAS), safety requirements and operational procedures for trouble situations. In addition, after completing the handbook, you can schedule to take the SBE Certified Radio Operator Exam. Item# S-09 - Pub. 2019 - 72pp
* Suggested reference for SBE certification exam preparation.
Member Price USD: $62.00
Non-Member Price USD: $62.00
+ $5.50 S/H
SBE Guide to Writing Broadcast Station Operations Manuals
Fred Baumgartner, CPBE, CBNT
This is a rather complete collection of operator's manuals, technical guides, employee handbooks, job descriptions, evaluations, contracts and letters. The entire collection of examples is available on disk so you can edit the generic text and put in your station-specific information. The source material that the SBE 'Guide' is taken from includes both radio and television stations, small and large markets. It also often contains alternate text when there are options for dealing with a specific policy. Item# S-04 - Pub. 1998 - 105pp
Member Price USD: $49.00
Non-Member Price USD: $69.00
+ $4.50 S/H
Small Signal Audio Design, 3rd ed.
Douglas Self
This a practical handbook providing an extensive repertoire of circuits that can be assembled to make almost any type of audio system. A major theme is the use of inexpensive and readily available parts to obtain state-of-the-art performance for noise, distortion, crosstalk, frequency response accuracy and other parameters. Item #F-119 – Pub. 2020 – 784pp
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Sound System Engineering, 4th Ed.
Don Davis, Eugene Patronis Jr., Pat Brown
This book is a complete revision and expansion of the former work. Written by a leading authority in the field of audio engineering, this highly respected guide covers the fundamentals necessary for the understanding of today's systems as well as for those systems yet to come. The space formerly occupied by outdated photographs of manufacturers' product and of older system installations has now been filled with new measurements and discussions of the measurement process. Item# F-92 • Pub. 2013 • 632pp
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Streaming and Digital Media
Dan Rayburn
This book gives you a concise and direct analysis to understand a scalable, profitable venture, as well as the common and hidden pitfalls to avoid in your business. By focusing on both the business implications and technical differences between online video and traditional broadcast distribution, you will learn how to gain significant time-to-market and cost-saving advantages by effectively using streaming and digital media technologies. Item# F-93 • Pub. 2016 • 264pp
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Telecommunications and Data Communications Handbook, 2nd Edition
Ray Horak
For an accessible and comprehensive survey of telecommunications and data communications technologies and services, consult this book, which includes information on origins, evolution and meaningful contemporary applications. Item #JW-22 - Pub. 2008 - 832pp
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Transceiver and System Design for Digital Communications
Scott R. Bullock
This is the fourth edition of this successful professional reference book on transceiver design, the device that both sends and receives signals, and its place within the wireless communication system. It gives engineers and others a good intuitive understanding of wireless systems and spread spectrum. New topics covered include cognitive radio, systems, networks, and commercial communications. In addition, many items have been extensively updated to improve the flow of the book and enhance comprehension. Item# STY-03 - Pub. 2014 - 400pp
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Understanding MPEG 4, Technology and Business Insights
Sebastian Moeritz and Klaus Diepold
This book offers an up-to-date introduction to this interactive and multimedia compression standard (including MPEG-4 Part 10), with real examples and information as to how and where this technology should be used. It describes video and audio creation, production, distribution, reception and consumption environment and explains everything you need to know in jargon-free language. Item# F-79 - Pub. 2004 - 328pp
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Video Over IP, 2nd Edition
Wes Simpson
Video Over IP gives you everything you need to know to choose from among the many ways of transferring your video over a network. The information is presented in an easy to read format, with comparison charts provided to help you understand the benefits and drawbacks of different technologies for a variety of practical applications. This new edition is expanded to fully cover HD and wireless technologies and new case studies. Item # F-102 • Pub. 2008 • 504pp
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