The Society of Broadcast Engineers

The Association for Broadcast and Multimedia Technology Professionals

John H. Battison Award for Lifetime Achievement


The SBE’s John H. Battison Award for Lifetime Achievement was established to recognize and pay tribute to individuals for their dedication, lifelong achievement and outstanding contribution to broadcast engineering.


Nominees (and subsequently recipients) will be SBE members in good standing and have been active for 40 years or more in the broadcast engineering industry or a closely allied field that benefits broadcast engineering.


Nominations can be made by any member of the SBE in good standing and will include the endorsement of three other SBE members in good standing. A complete nomination will include the nominee’s career biography and career fact sheet with a written explanation of why the individual should be considered for the award.


There will be no more than one recipient per calendar year.

Nominations will be forwarded to the Awards Committee for review. The committee will evaluate each nomination and decide by simple majority if a consideration is warranted and meets the basic criteria mentioned above.

The list of Awards Committee-approved nominations would be forwarded to the full Board for review and comment. If necessary, the board will further evaluate the nominations and determine eligibility. Once this is done, a final slate of nominations will be presented to the full board for vote of a final recipient.

In the case of more than one nominee, the board will vote on each nominee and a simple popular vote would determine the final nominee. This final nominee would then be considered, and a final vote taken. The final vote must be at least a 3/4 majority of the board.


The official award name is the SBE John H. Battison Award for Lifetime Achievement. The SBE Lifetime Achievement Award was renamed in 2011 to honor John H. Battison, CPBE, first SBE president and society founder.


The award process will be finalized one month before the award is presented. The actual award will be presented to the recipient at either the SBE National Meeting or at the NAB spring convention. The board will determine the appropriate time.


  • 2020 – Mark Persons, CPBE, AMD, CBNT
  • 2010 – Terrence M. Baun*, CPBE, AMD, CBNT
  • 2006 – John H. Battison*, P.E., CPBE
  • 2005 – Richard W. Burden*, CPBE
  • 2002 – Richard A. Rudman, CPBE
  • 1998 – Morris H. Blum*, CBT
  • 1997 – Philo T. Farnsworth*
  • 1997 – Elma G. Farnsworth*
  • 1995 – James Wulliman*, CPBE
  • 1995 – Benjamin Wolfe*, CSBE
