The Society of Broadcast Engineers

The Association for Broadcast and Multimedia Technology Professionals

Resume Bank

Radio | TV | Radio/TV Combination | Manufacturing | Other

Any broadcast-related organization can request complete resumes from the following profiles for a processing fee of $45 (no limit to the number of resumes requested). Our pool of resumes consists of SBE members who have requested participation in the service. To participate in the service, contact the SBE National Office.

The role of the SBE is limited to forwarding requested resumes. The SBE provides this listing as a service to its members and, in doing so, assumes no responsibility for the continuing accuracy of the information submitted by said members. The SBE is not responsible for actions taken by persons listed, nor is it a party to any agreement made between these individuals and companies that request their resumes. Although every attempt is made to maintain confidentiality, it cannot be guaranteed.

New additions to the list are marked with red asterisks (***). Last Updated





Radio/TV Combination



