HAMnet, the Society of Broadcast Engineers’ Chapter of the Air 73, was developed more than 25 years ago for those HAM operator-members who are not in close proximity to local SBE chapters. It’s a great way for broadcast engineers and other amateurs (all are welcome) to contact one another, share technical information, discuss broadcasting techniques and get the latest information on SBE programs and activities on a monthly basis
The SBE HF HAMnet takes place on the second Sunday of every month at 2400 GMT. Hal Hostetler, CPBE, WA7BGX, serves as net control. The published frequency is 14.205MHz. Occasionally, that frequency is busy and you may need to move up or down (no more than 10kHz) to find the SBE meeting. Hal is a long-time member and lives in Tucson, AZ.
An email reminder list has been set up to send reminders and other notices about the net. Contact Scott Jones (kjones@sbe.org) to be subscribed.
The SBE UHF/VHF Hamnet Chapter 73 of the Air is the fourth Thursday evening of the month at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT. The Net is worldwide on AllStar Node 46079, DMR Talkgroup 310847, Yaesu Wires-X “SkyHubLink” room 46361, Echolink W0SKY-L 985839, D-Star XRF031C, YSF Reflector 92722, P-25 10294 and IRLP Reflector 9875. See SkyHubLink.com/nets for more details.
The Net is based in Denver both on analog and digital repeaters locally and throughout Colorado, and is easily linked into from anywhere in the world using the above facilities. You can also join via a hotspot or use your internet-linked repeater.
An email reminder list has been set up to send reminders and other notices about the net. Contact Scott Jones (kjones@sbe.org) to be subscribed.
For more information, contact Net Control Randall Jones, CBT, CBNT, AE7RJ, at ae7rj@jonesnw.net, or Jack Roland, CBRE, AMD, CBNT, KE0VH, at ke0vh@outlook.com.