Social Networking, Email Forwarding Service, Discussion Groups
Like the SBE Chapters group on Facebook Member Email Forwarding Address Service
Want to show your pride of SBE membership? Get an email address that shows you’re an SBE member. Full details and terms of use are posted here.
Note: This is an email forwarding/email alias service, not an email account. Some email systems may block or discard a test sent to yourself from the target account.
Subscribe to SBE EAS Exchange
The SBE EAS Exchange is an email discussion group dedicated to the discussion of issues related to the Emergency Alert System. SBE membership is encouraged to participate on the EAS Exchange, but it is not required. Participants are encouraged to discuss implement ion, equipment issues or the latest related FCC activity, share EAS failures or success stories, etc. Contact to subscribe.
* a service for members of the SBE only.