Who will the next SBE Engineer of the Year award recipient be? It could be you, it could be someone you nominate. This will be the eighth year that the Chapter Engineer of the Year award is nominated by SBE Chapters. The chapter honorees are then entered into consideration for the Robert W. Flanders SBE Engineer of the Year award. Each chapter can establish its own criteria for the chapter award. Individuals can also be nominated directly for the national award. For the national award, nominations need to be submitted to the National Office by June 15.
There are other honors as well. The James C. Wulliman SBE Educator of the Year; the SBE Technology Award; Facility Innovation of the Year; Best Technical Article, Book or Program by an SBE Member; Best Article, Paper or Program by a Student Member; and the Freedom Award are among the accolades. There are also a series of statistical awards.
Of the 13 awards recognizing chapters that are presented each year, a local chapter or SBE member make nominations for 10 of them. Many SBE members are highly qualified and deserving of recognition. Likewise, many chapters do an excellent job promoting the ideals and goals of the SBE. Please nominate these members and chapters so they can receive the recognition they deserve.
For information about these and any of the SBE National Awards, please visit sbe.org/awards or contact Megan Clappe at mclappe@sbe.org. Recognition by your peers is the highest honor. Honor your colleagues today.