There are nine engineering certifications, two operator certifications and two broadcast networking certifications – each to be valid for a period of five years. There are also four specialist certifications to establish a benchmark of individual strengths for those already certified at specific certification levels. The certification designations are as follows (PDF applications available for each link):
Operator Level Certifications
Broadcast Networking Certification
Engineering Level Certifications
- Certified Broadcast Technologist (CBT)
- Certified Production Technologist (CPT)
- Certified Audio Engineer (CEA)
- Certified Video Engineer (CEV)
- Certified Broadcast Radio Engineer (CBRE)
- Certified Broadcast Television Engineer (CBTE)
- Certified Broadcast Networking Engineer (CBNE)
- Certified Senior Radio Engineer (CSRE)
- Certified Senior Television Engineer (CSTE)
- Certified Professional Broadcast Engineer (CPBE)
Specialist Certifications
- 8-VSB Specialist (8-VSB)
- AM Directional Specialist (AMD)
- ATSC 3 Specialist (ATSC3)
- Digital Radio Broadcast Specialist (DRB)
- Life Certification (fillable form)
The following certifications, while still in active use, are no longer issued.
- Certified Senior Broadcast Engineer (CSBE)
- Certified Radio and Television Broadcast Engineer (CBRTE)
- Certified Senior Radio and Television Broadcast Engineer (CSRTE)
About the Applications
SBE Certified logo
Upon passing a SBE Certification exam, you will be authorized to display the SBE Certified logo on your business cards, letterhead, resume, website or email signature. For proper use of this logo and to download visit the press resources page on the SBE website.